▷ BD Visual Tech - Studio & Photography Iași

BD Visual Tech

About us

Have you ever wondered why do we want to capture the most precious moments from our life in a single picture? Why is this picture sending us so many feel-ings and so many small pieces from our lifetime?

The picture always catches the reality or creates a lot of illusions. We’ve got the answer. We are BDVISUALTECH and we can transform your memories into fairy tale pages. Come with us to write together the most beautiful story about love, friendship, family and new experiences into a pleasant environment, which in you are the hero.

Photo Sessions
Studio Sessions
Satisfied Clients

Recent work

01 Portrait
02 Family
03 Photo Retouching
04 Photo Retouching
05 Portrait
06 Kids
07 Office supplies
08 Shoes
09 Wedding
10 Various products
11 Event
12 Symphony Gym
13 Kids party
14 Kids costumes
15 Industrial products
16 Wood jewelry
17 Portrait
18 Symphony Pool/Spa
19 Tesori Vovidenie Daycare
20 Tesori Cosbuc Daycare
21 Tesori Albinet Daycare
22 Product
23 Family
24 NYX Launch
25 Photo Retouching
26 Photo Retouching
27 Photo Retouching
28 Portrait
29 Portrait
30 Product
31 Product
32 Product
33 Fashion
34 Family
35 Fashion
36 Product
37 Product
38 Product
39 Product
40 Fashion
41 Fashion
42 Portrait
43 Product
44 Product
45 Product
46 Product
47 Product


Photo retouching.

Client feedback


``Am colaborat cu Bogdan pentru fotografii de produs si sunt foarte multumit de serviciile prestate, foarte dedicat in ceea ce face, comunicativ si cu mult simt de raspundere, a facut tot posibilul sa fie livrate fotografiile la timp. Preturile sunt foarte corecte, iar raportul pret-calitate este foarte bun. Multumesc, cu siguranta vom colabora si pe viitor.``


``Am colaborat cu dl.Bogdan Anghelescu pentru prezentare produse pe platforma e-Mag. Am fost foarte multumita atat de aspectul pozelor cat si de modul de colaborare caracterizat prin: profesionalism, promptitudine, implicare. De asemenea a fost bun raportul calitate- pret.
Recomand cu caldura.``


``Am colaborat cu domnul Bogdan de la BdVisualTech pentru realizarea unor poze de produs pentru site-ul Amazon. Foarte multumit de cum au iesit, de calitatea lor. Recomand cu incredere!``


``Putin sunt cei ce te pot scoate din starea aia de retinere in fata unui obiectiv, dar aici profesionalismul e la el acasa. Recomand cu toata increderea. Oamenii chiar stiu ce fac si o fac bine.``
